Sunday, June 17, 2012

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention all these portraits were done with a carpenters pencil! For those of you who don't know it is a broad, flat pencil with a lead tip to match. No fine detail with these, unless you chisel the lead to get a sharp edge. The large expanses of black would usually do the trick!
Here's set 4! top to bottom: George Foreman (this is one of my faves! love the way it turned out), Chuck Norris (still one of my heroes), Moses, Meadowlark Lemon, and Billy Graham

Batch #3 includes: Reggie White, the Minister of Defense, A portrait of my beautiful wife (who showed a supernatural amount of patience with me while I worked non-stop on these! I love you honey!!), Christ the King, Martin Luther, and George Washington 

Here's the next batch from the show. Above is Ol' Honest Abe (Abraham Lincoln). Below from top to bottom is Mr. T, Abraham, Johnny Cash, And John the Baptist

New Work for the Untitled Art Show

Well, Ok, I've finally got some new work to show off after many months in seclusion. Gotta' tell ya' juggling family, kids, work , and a few side projects makes it REAL hard to find time to krank out some new art. That being said I hope you like what ya' see! Theses portraits are a series I did for a recent group show.
Top to Bottom: C.S. Lewis, David Crowder, Kurt Warner, Mother Teresa, Paul the Apostle (after Lars Justinen)

I completed a total of 20 portraits for the show! I was shooting for 25 but time had other ideas for me.